
Result of the shorts stories contest

At the meeting in Barcelona on 16th and 17th September 2014 and gathered the members of the Executive and General Board of the ENP as competition jury of short story and photograph contest, reached the following decisions:


As regards to the short story contest was concluded that the four winning stories in no particular order, are the following:


  •  Mr Pedro Crespo Aparicio. Policia Municipal de Madrid. Spain.

Mr Pedro Aparicio short story

  • Ms Angélica de Diego Gambin. Policia de la Generalitat Mossos d’Esquadra. Spain.

Ms Angélica de Diego short story

  • Ms Magdalena Wiekiera, Police Station in Blachownia. Poland.

Ms Magdalena Wiekiera short story

  • Ms Emilia Busquets Canal. Guardia Urbana de Barcelona. Spain.

Ms Emilia Busquets short story


Barcelona, 24th October 2014