
Social dialogue table

Social dialogue table

Organized by the police trade unions and the European Federation (EUpol) for police trade unions

The Hague, the Netherlands

May 2024


If you are not at the table, you are on the menu.

As a police organization, how can you influence European regulation on safety and security? Or stop regulation that will harm the quality of your work? How can you support your European police co-workers in the minimal disclosure for safe working conditions? Or the minimum wage of a police officer? Or the pensioning age?

Together with Dutch police trade unions, who have found a means to be able to do all of this, we as ENP support a European Social Dialogue table. It sounds difficult, but in the end all it is, is a periodical conversation with European organized employers and employees of, in this case, police.

This week the first get together was held in The Hague, the Netherlands, organized by the police trade unions and the European Federation (EUpol) for police trade unions, of which we (ENP) are an observer member. Together with representatives of trade employees and employers from all over Europe; Estonia, Lithuania, Switzerland, Europol, France, Portugal, Spain, Belgium and of course The Netherlands, a declaration of intent was signed.

The goal is to organize a social dialogue table on the topic of police to influence European decision making and law-making. Furthermore, with this we can inform the European commission on what is urgent, necessary or threaten policework on a European level. Of course topics as diversity, equality, sexual harassment and safe working environment will be issues that we as ENP will be putting on the agenda.

If you want to support this initiative in any way, please contact Vanessa van den Berg (vanessa.van.den.berg@politie.nl) so we can connect you to the right contact person.